Acidity is related to heartburn and gas formation in stomach. In acidity, acid reflux or Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD), or more commonly known as 'Urdhvag Amalpitta' in ayurveda, there is a movement of gastric juices ( acid in nature) from the stomach into the lower part of esophagus.
Ayurveda considerds it to be caused by the aggarvation of Pitta dosha. When Kapha is associated with this aggarvated Pitta, the Acid starts climbing the oesophagus. This is exactly the hyperacidity for most of us and is translated widely as- Heartburn, Acid Reflux, Acid Brash etc.
Excess production of acids in stomach is termed as the hyperacidity. There are varieties of reasons which cause excess acid production. The most important among these are:
- Excessive use of the oily and spicy foods
- Anxiety, depression and anger
- Irregular eating habits.
- Consumption of Maida products in large quantity.
- To use leafy vegetables in excess
- Sleeping just after taking meal.
- Drinking of excessive water
- ) To not to sleep in night, long working hours.
- Excessive intake of the caffeine and nicotine products.
- Constipation
- Carbonated drinks
- Foods which are rich in fats, such as chocolates cause acidity or acid reflux diseases.
- Excessive intake of alcohol, smoking, keeping stomach empty for long time, skipping breakfast causes acidity.
- Other causes of acidity or heartburn are pregnancy, aging, obesity, and bad eating habit, like eating junk foods.
- Pain in upper abdomen immediately following a large or spicy meal
- Nausea, vomiting, and loss of desire to eat which may persist for 1-2 days
- Heartburn or sour belching
- A sense of abdominal distension or 'bloating'
- Flatulence (burping, belching)
- Blood vomitting or blood in stool may occer in severe cases
- If gastritis persists there may be eventual development of anemia
What to eat and how much to eat is an important factor in controlling acidity. The following tips should be followed:
- The diet should consist of milk with sugar, and a little old rice.
- Other recommended substances are: barley, wheat, rice (at least one year old), cucumber, bitter gourd, green banana, pumpkin, pomegranate, and cow's milk.
- Eat dinner two to three hours before sleeping time as it keeps you healthy.
- Fibers are necessary in the diet as they help in the digestion.
- Take the balanced diet, don't shift to the totally bland spice-less foods.
- Eat small meals more often as it helps in digestion.
- Foods that are rich in oils and fats. These foods are difficult to digest, so they may make the stomach release more acids.
- Eating fried, fatty, junk foods, and excessive chocolates.
- Eating Red meat. eat only occasionally, if at all.
- Too much intake of tea and coffee may cause hyperacidity. This is also true for other addictions such as smoking and alcohol Consuming sour foods as they already have acidic contents. Acidic foods to avoid are pickles, curds, tamarinds, vinegar, etc. Drinking water after taking the meal.
- Eating the next meal, until the prior meal hasn't digested properly.
- Consuming Maida / Backery Products.
- Taking the frozen foods and chilled drinks.
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